Friday, February 5, 2010

Chahar Bagh School of Isfahan

Chahār Bāgh school (Madreseye Chahār Bāgh in Persian or مدرسه چهار باغ ), also known as Shah school, is a 16-17th century cultural complex in Isfahan, Iran.

The compound was built during Soltan Hossein, a Safavid king, to serve as a theological and clerical school to train those who were interested in such sciences. In order to finance the school, Soltan Hossein's mother had a large caravansary built nearby, the income of which went to the Foundation. The monumental portal from the main avenue of Shah Abbas leads directly into a domed octagonal vestibule. The dome and the greater part of the walls are covered in bright yellow bricks which give a feeling of lightness. The entrance gate decorated with gold facade and silver, and the tile-works inside the building are masterpieces of fine art and industry. The central court, with its pool and garden, are surrounded by arcades on two levels, each giving access to a student's room.